poet ~ artist ~ teacher ~ healer ~ psychic
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
click to enlarge
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click on book cover to enlarge
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click on poster to enlarge
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click on poster to enlarge
Read in the Press Telegram about babbel
Read in the Downey Patriot about babbel
Read a audience members response in the Downey Patriot about babbel
Read a review in the Downey Patriot about babbel
~ ~ ~

Books and Chapbooks
keys (poetry and prose poetry, $10)
conversations (poetry, $10)
i write therefor i am (poetry, $15)
libretti lumi (poetry, $13)
eating god (poetry, $15)
(PEACE) WORDS (prose memoir, $15)
Child Harold at the Zoo (prose memoir, $15)
Feng Shui Every Day (prose self-help, $15)
Foreign Language Books
i i i (poetry, Esperanto $10)
y i x (poetry, Spanish, English, Yiddish, Japanese, Ukrainian $10)
Soul O (poetry, Chinese or Hindi or Arabic $12)
the green salon
a monthly gathering of
poets, artists, musicians, dancers, filmmakers,
and connoisseurs of the arts
on facebook:
Roy Anthony Shabla
the green salon
~ ~ ~

click on poster to enlarge
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click on poster to enlarge
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click on poster to enlarge
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click on poster to enlarge
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click on poster to enlarge
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galleRoy @ RiT
the earth is round yet we divide it into squares
new and recent artwork by
June Diamond
Nader Ghassemlou
Roy Anthony Shabla
RiT Gallery
15866 E. Main Street
La Puente 91744
17 November 12
4 to 10 pm
as part of the Old Town La Puente Artwalk
~ ~ ~

ZzyxZ Writer Z and galleRoy @ UPMA
are proud to announce
as part of the
Old Town La Puente Artwalk
17 November 12
4 to 10 pm
Main Street just south of First Street
Featured Poets
Open Mics
Live Music
curated by
Kimberly Cobian and Roy Anthony Shabla
Books and CDs for sale
Come enjoy the eternal world!
~ ~ ~

galleRoy @ long beach soundwalk
language poetry / spoken word, recorded and live music, still and moving images
roy anthony shabla and nader ghassemlou
1 september 2012
saturday evening, 6 to 10 pm
350 third street, between elm and lb
it's gonna be a happening!
~ ~ ~
when asked if he were a god or a man, the buddha replied: i am awake!

galleRoy @ R i T Gallery
is proud to present
i am awake in the garden of dreams
featuring artwork by
Gennie Prochazka
Sylvia Lopez
Roy Anthony Shabla
and live music by
Blac Jesus and the Experimentalists
Mike San Juan ~ Adapt ~ Rainman ~ Take Pictures
Dirty Harriet and the Swamis ~ Radios
VVIHT FVZZ ~ Din Gle ~ Mothers of Gut
Nicholas Chacón ~ Pan, dithyramb, and things
White Owl Brown ~ N O W ~ Death Lens
50 gift bags ~ hourly raffles ~ other giveaways
in conjunction with the
La Puente Artwalk
saturday . august 18th . 2pm to 10pm (plus after party)
R i T Gallery
15866 main street . la puente 91744
dress as your favorite god or goddess!
art and art event curated by roy anthony shabla . music curated by gabriel armenta
sponsors: nuvein foundation for literature and the arts . r i t gallery . trunk trends . galleroy @
~ ~ ~

galleRoy @ casa la reina
Summer Art Party
Sunday August 5th
2 to 8 pm
New Paintings by
Roy Anthony Shabla
Live Music by
Tes Elations
Nicholas Chacón
Poetry ~ Film ~ Participatory Art
50 Gift Bags
Vegan Food and Drink
Sponsored by
RoyAnthonyShabla.com ~ galleRoy.com ~ Roytube.com
and the generous help and support of many others.
Email for directions before the day of the event.
~ ~ ~
is pleased to announce the release of two tracks from
we are connected by words
a cd of spoken word / language poetry / sound poetry
by Roy Anthony Shabla
for your enjoyment.
~ ~ ~

galleRoy @ number 34
america is an illusion
an exhibit of public, street, and graffiti art
curated by
roy anthony shabla
daniel cuesta and charlotte san juan
a documentary on another downey art scandal
may 6
9029 florence avenue
downey 90240
one night only
in conjunction with
urban acts: new plays from the streets
in case you forget
these events are free / public art is always free
america is an illusion t shirts $10
to support the downey arts coalition
~ ~ ~
is pleased to announce the publication of
i write therefore i am
a new chapbook by
roy anthony shabla
40 pages, $9.99
~ ~ ~
Hair Club for Poets / Reading with Scissors is a monthly poetry series curated by John Brantingham and Roy Anthony Shabla, sponsored by the Downey Arts Coalition and the San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival, and hosted by Number 34, Barber to the Star.
Each month includes one or two featured poets and an open mic, a featured artist, and grooming tips. Come for the culture, return for a coif!
HCP/RS is held the fourth Saturday of the month at 7:30 pm. Number 34 is located at 9029 Florence Avenue in Downey, catty corner and one block east of the oldest Mc Donald's at Lakewood Boulevard.
Follow: Hair Club for Poets / Reading with Scissors, the Downey Arts Coalition, and the San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival on facebook.
* * *
Due to an unforeseen cancellation, this month of March, HCP/RS will feature Downey's favorite son, poet and painter Roy Anthony Shabla. Shabla currently has two books of poetry in print, the most recent of which is libretti lumi, a post-modernist love story, which received this review:
There is an overall sense of sureness and calmness in the poems presented… The subjects and symbolism are sharp yet they exude a relaxed state. I'm glad I opened the cover and dived on in --this is a poetry book I would read again and again. ~ThePoetryMarket.com (complete review)
His earlier book of poetry, eating God, has been hailed as the spiritual heir to Rumi. If poets could be superstars, at least in this time and country, Roy Anthony Shabla would be the man to watch! ~Spirit of the Valley
Roy Anthony Shabla has also published several poetry chapbooks, most notably, casa la reina, a poetic depiction of life in Downey, which has been described as:
A collection of sparingly gestural word sketches that create a keenly drafted interior of one man's home and psyche on a particular day. Absolutely naked, absolutely genius!
Saturday, March 24, 7:30 pm, Number 34, 9029 Florence Avenue.
~ ~ ~
is pleased to announce
three large paintings
by roy anthony shabla
will be exhibited at
palm springs modernism
17 to 20 february 2012
palm springs convention center
~ ~ ~
galleRoy @ number 34
is proud to announce

electrified, mechanized, digitized, funk-junk art show
curated by
Roy Anthony Shabla
featuring multi-media installations and robo-art by
Ruben Acosta ~ Greenie Arts ~ Ronnie Contreras
Steve Craig ~ Carlos Durazo ~ Sam Gosland
Nader Ghassemlou ~ Ricardo Paniauga ~ Roy Anthony Shabla
Kevin Yoshikawa ~ David R Youel ~ DC Pimp Angel
and many others
5 February 2012
5pm to 9pm
9029 Florence Avenue
Downey 90240
(The Superbowl game will be broadcast inside number 34)
50 gift Bags
Contraptions is sponsored by several entities including:
~ ~ ~
5 January 12
is happy to announce the
2012 Astrological Feng Shui Workshops
Reserve your space now.
~ ~ ~
21 December 11
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and galleRoy.com
are delighted to announce the launch of

featuring the short films of
Roy Anthony Shabla
~ ~ ~
5 November 11 and 10 November 11
galleRoy.com is proud to announce
Roy Anthony Shabla
will show three large canvasses in
Suburban Renaissance November 5th
and five large canvasses in
Suburban Renaissance November 10th
presented by
Downey Art Vibe
at the
Downey Civic Theatre Gallery
~ ~ ~
is pleased to announce the publication of
libretti lumi
~poetry for two operas~
Roy Anthony Shabla ~ ~ ~
21 october 11
Wine and Words
A Monthly Poetry Series
Curated by
John Brantingham and Roy Anthony Shabla
Sponsored by
Downey Arts Coalition and San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival
Mari's Wine Bar
Featured Poets and Open Mic
The Third Friday of Every Month (venue changed to Number 34)
Downey California
8222 Firestone Blvd
DowneyArts.org ~ SGVLitFest.com
JohnBrantingham.webs.com ~ RoyAnthonyShabla.com
~ ~ ~

galleRoy is honored to announce
My First Solo Show
Eighteen New and Recent Paintings by
Roy Anthony Shabla
as part of the series
Art on the Vine
Sponsored by
Downey Arts Coalition and Maris Wine Bar
Opening Reception
Maris Wine Bar
Downey California
8 October 11
6:30 pm to 1:30 am
~ ~ ~
27 August 2011
Poetry and Punk Rock at Pizza Supreme
Roy Anthony Shabla
John Brantingham
Jo Scott-Coe
Scott Noon Creley
and others
to read selected poems
before a concert by
Officer Problem
Pizza Supreme
West Covina California
8 pm
~ ~ ~
14 August 2011
galleRoy @ casa la reina
Summer Party
art ~ poetry ~ film
live music, vegan food, specialty drinks, gift bags
Sunday 14 August 2011
2 ~ 8pm
showing: new work by roy anthony shabla
email for directions
view invitation ~ ~ ~
galleRoy @Shoshana Wayne Gallery
Chain Letter
featuring new work by Roy Anthony Shabla
Curated by
Christian Cummings and Doug Harvey
July 23 ~ August 25, 2011
Opening Reception: July 23, 6pm
Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, California
Chain Letter (the brain)
simultaneous exhibitions in:
new york
los angeles
boston ~ ~ ~
18 June 2011
galleRoy @ village book shop
roy anthony shabla
will read his new chapbook
casa la reina
village book shop
in glendora
June 18th 6pm
shabla is accompanied by
jazz bassist
gary silva
for this performance
the reading is sponsored by
valley poets reading
curated by
john brantingham
editor, chiron review
directions to village book shop
~ ~ ~
30 April 2011
Two Friends Press and RoyAnthonyShabla.com
will represent
Tequila Tales
and books by
Roy Anthony Shabla
at the
L A Times Festival of Books
saturday, april 30th
~ ~ ~
29 April 2011
Millie Johanna Heur and Roy Anthony Shabla
will speak on publishing at the
2011 Writers' Weekend
Mount San Antonio College
friday, april 29th
~ ~ ~
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and Two Friends Press
are proud to announce a reading for
Tequila Tales
in Los Angeles
Metropolis Books
Saturday, April 16, 2011, 5pm
~ ~ ~
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and galleRoy.com
are proud to announce
the inclusion of three large canvasses (two paintings) in
(The Rite of Spring)
Sacre du Printemps
Art, Music, Dance
Affinity and Lark Galleries
216 The Promenade (at Broadway)
Long Beach Art Walk
Saturday, April 9th, 6 pm
~ ~ ~
31 January 2011
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and galleRoy.com
are pleased to announce:
in honor of the new poetry chapbook
casa la reina
by Roy Anthony Shabla
the price of all chapbooks and handmade books
especially the poetic masterpiece
body of water
will be reduced in price.
we all need a little poetry
in our lives.
~ ~ ~
14 January 2011
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and galleRoy.com
are pleased to announce
the publication of
casa la reina
the new chapbook of poetry by
Roy Anthony Shabla.
see it at the
handmade books page of
or buy it now.
"absolutely naked, absolutely genius!"
~ ~ ~
28 December 10
is pleased to announce a
Rain Sale!
all large paintings now
25% off
while the weather is wet!
symphonic poem paintings rain sale
jazz poem paintings rain sale
no discounts once they go into storage…
~ ~ ~
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and Two Friends Press
are pleased to announce the launch of
~a literary collaboration between
Millie Johanna Heur and Roy Anthony Shabla
~ ~ ~
Two Friends Press
is proud and delighted to announce
the publication reading of
Tequila Tales
2226 e 4th street
long beach
ca 90814
december 7th
7 pm
~ ~ ~
8 October 10
RoyAnthonyShabla.com / galleRoy.com
Two Friends Press
Mille Johanna Heur and Roy Anthony Shabla
are pleased to announce the launch of
the fine website for
Tequila Tales
An Anthology of Short Fiction
Edited by
Milie Johanna Heur and Roy Anthony Shabla.
Book available by Thanksgiving
~ ~ ~
28 September 10
galleRoy and Roy Anthony Shabla
are pleased and honored to announce
that works on paper
keys: prints
blue period: prints
are represented by
Freehand Gallery
los angeles, california
~ ~ ~
16 September 2010
is pleased to announce
the publication of
Soul O
the first be bop poem/chant
in Chinese
and Arabic.
~ ~ ~
galleRoy @ casa la reina
summer party
sunday 08 august 2010
2 ~ 8 pm
live music, vegan food, gift bags
fine art
email for directions
view invitation
~ ~ ~
13 may 2010
is pleased to announce
a new personal remedy
Be In Love
that encourages
intimacy, bonding, and monogamy
in relationships.
revitalize the "love"
in your love life!
~ ~ ~
16 april 2010
announces the retirement of
Soundtracks for Film.
if you do not have this
poetic epiphany on human relationships,
order it now.
it will be gone soon.
~ ~ ~
08 april 2010
RoyAnthonyShabla.com and blesstheworld.com
are pleased to announce the public release
of three new blessthebody.com remedies:
Skin Mantra
Be Happy
Be Awake
they are available from the
personal remedies page on
live better!
~ ~ ~
is pleased to announce the first
studio sale
22 ~ 25 april 2010
many never-before exhibited
drawings and prints
will be featured.
all books and artwork discounted.
(see galleRoy.com for partial gallery of artwork)
appointments suggested.
~ ~ ~
10 March 10
announces the retirement of
nevertheless art.
if you do not have this
zen dissertation on modern culture,
order it now.
it will be gone soon. ~ ~ ~
01 January 2010
is delighted to announce
the launch of

a website featuring the artwork of Roy Anthony Shabla.
paintings and prints
and artwork of various media are exhibited.
~ ~ ~
23 June 2009
are both pleased to announce
the completion of their site renovations.
enjoy the new, simpler formats
and sleek over-all design.
thank you for your love and support
during this process.